
美しく生きる。輝いて生きる。自分を生きる。Happy に生きる。その生き方のヒントと心と体の癒しの処方箋を届けます。



長い年月、世界中で読み継がれている絵本は、 芸術的作品と言っていいでしょう。

本という形で、絵画的にも文学的にも際立ったものは、 世代を超えて読み継がれます。

画家と作家の融合された共同作業が生み出すハーモニーは、 子どもたちの想像力を豊かにする不思議な魅力を持っています。

昔話も、地球の反対側に住む人たちのお話も、時代を超えて中世のお話も、 動物たちも、宇宙の時空を超えて、あらゆる物語が紡がれて生まれています。

目を輝かせてお話を聞く子ども達の心には、 目に見えるもの、目に見えないもの全てが目の前に広がる世界なのです。
目を輝かせてお話の世界の入ることのできるのは 幼い心の住人だけ。

残念なことに知識を積み重ねて大人になった私たちは 子どもたちのようにいきません。まっすぐ受け入れる力が濁ってしまっていうからです。
時々、子どもたちの屈託のない笑い声が 懐かしいことがありますね。

好奇心を育み、物語を紡ぎながら、何かとの関わりの絆を築き 楽しい笑いの中で育まれていくものがあると信じています。


一緒に笑い、一緒に泣き、いつもそばで見守り 勇気づける役割を担ってくれる存在。

ページをめくるたびに、新しい展開に触れていき、一緒に 人生の歩みの擬体験をしているのでしょう。


大人になっても、もう一度 子どもの心に帰ってみませんか?


Picture books reach children's hearts through the power of images and words.

For many years, picture books that have been passed down around the world can be considered works of art. They weave together a unique worldview through the combination of illustrations and words.

When a book takes a form that excels both artistically and literarily, it continues to be read across generations. This is due to the inexplicable wonder that something deep is conveyed through the fusion of images and words.

The harmony born from the collaboration of artists and writers holds a fascinating charm that enriches children's imagination.

Folktales from the past, stories from people on the opposite side of the Earth, medieval tales that transcend time, stories of animals—across the dimensions of space and time, all kinds of narratives are woven into existence. In the hearts of children who listen to these stories with shining eyes, a world unfolds where everything, both visible and invisible, is right before their eyes.

Only the inhabitants of young hearts can enter the world of stories with shining eyes. It's a skill and talent of children. Unfortunately, as we accumulate knowledge and become adults, we don't live as children do.

Our capacity to accept things straightforwardly becomes clouded.

Sometimes, the carefree laughter of children becomes a nostalgic memory. The innocence that adults who were once children have forgotten. 

I believe there is something nurtured by curiosity, woven through stories, forming bonds with various things, and growing amidst joyful laughter. 

Moreover, illustrations breathe life into emotions and deliver the hues of life straight to young hearts.

And the people and animals encountered in picture books stand by the children like friends. They laugh together, and cry together, always by their side, playing the role of watching over and encouraging. With each page turned, they touch upon new developments, sharing in a vicarious experience of life's journey.

The universe contained within picture books serves to connect different cultures and provide assistance. Picture books, like magic wands, possess the mysterious power to guide us into unseen worlds. With courage and hope, they lead us on the journey of life.

As adults, do you ever feel excitement? Do you laugh heartily without worries, like when you were a child? Have you not forgotten the joy of play that was so engrossing?

As adults, do you ever feel excitement?
Do you laugh heartily without worries, like when you were a child?
Have you not forgotten the joy of play that was so engrossing?

Even as adults, wouldn't it be worth returning to the heart of a child once again